The electronic communication system (e-Communication) allows participants electronic sending of submissions and attachments to the court, receipt of court documents and remote insight into court cases.
Electronic Communications Ordinance entered into force at the end of January this year, and the deadline for accessing into the e-communication system is 1 September 2020.
Accordingly, all legal entities should request access to the e-communication system with the courts by 1 September 2020.
In order to access e-Communication system with the court, the following steps must be taken:
1. Enter the legal entities’ official e-mail address in the Court Register of the competent Commercial Court;
2. Apply to be registered in the e-Communication system of the Ministry of Justice;
3. Meet the technical preconditions (i.e. obtain electronic credentials and signature certificate, register within the internal register of the Ministry of Justice).
Legal persons that do not register may suffer negative consequences due to expiration of deadlines in court proceedings and untimely information on the status of court proceedings.